Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Clowns Are Not Scary - Top 5 Reasons to Like Clowns

It seems odd that clowns, whose purpose is to entertain and make people laugh, are so often though of as scary. Yet the idea of being afraid of clowns is so prevalent that there is even a term for this affliction, coulrophobia, which is the fear of clowns. However, this bad reputation seems a bit unjustified; in fact here are the top 5 reasons why you should like clowns:

5. Colorful costumes and makeup

Bright polka dots and plaids in wacky color combinations cover their costumes. Giant bow ties, shoes and hats create a whimsical look. Their makeup is only limited by the imagination. Colorful, exaggerated grins, cheerful red noses, and rainbow colored hair can usually get a laugh without any additional antics. Clown costumes are goofy and remind us not to take ourselves too seriously.

4. They provide comic relief

Clowns are funny! They act silly to make us laugh! We can't help giggling while watching them perform. We all know the importance of abandoning our serious side every once in a while and enjoying an occasion to laugh and have fun. Clowns provide us with funny material in order to keep us from dying of boredom.

3. Clowns demonstrate how to be your own unique self

From the way they dress to the way they act, clowns are not afraid of being who they really are. Have you ever avoided wearing something or doing something because you were afraid that people would laugh at you? Clowns want us to laugh at them! The idea that we should be free to express ourselves however we want is an inspiring concept, brought to you by clowns.

2. They encourage us to act like children

Adults are generally serious and boring creatures, whereas children have fun and play all day! The nature of clowns is generally more like that of a child, and the gentle reminder that we should all take time out to be silly is a good one. Being practical has its place, but having fun is important too, so remember to clown around every once in a while!

1. Spreading happiness and cheer is their job

Imagine that you are a professional happiness generator. Your mission is to have every audience member walk away in a happy, cheerful mood after they see you perform. It is not a job that everyone would be good at, which is all the more reason to admire the clowns that are able to do what they do.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michelle_Muggli


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