Monday, April 11, 2011

Easy Entertaining - 10 Tips For Being a Flawless Unflustered Host(ess)

What is Entertaining? It is the art of welcoming someone in to your home for good food, good company, and good conversation. It is being a host/hostess. It is spending time with people and sharing your home with them.

This is sort of difficult if you spend most of the time they are in your home in your kitchen fiddling about with a meal that is difficult to prepare and present.

Being a host/hostess means that you are in the same room as your guests as much as possible.

Often when I am planning a get together there are dishes that, although they are impressive, I pass over in favour of simpler choices. Simpler choices that are just as impressive but allow me to make the most of my time with my guests.

I am hoping that you will be able to use this information to suit your particular situation. Be that a romantic brunch for two or a full blown supper soiree for twelve.

If you are planning on entertaining, as opposed to just cooking, there are 10 really easy things you can do to make your sure you spend as much time with your guests as possible. That is what entertaining is all about.

1) Keep it simple

Your menu should be short.

The less there is to prepare the less time you spend in the kitchen.

Your guests will appreciate two or three things done very well better than five or six things that were rushed and kept you watching the stove rather than having fun.

2) Keep it simple

The few dishes you choose should be easy to prepare with at least 80% of it being made ahead.
Top tip here: Store bought is TOTALLY ok as long as it is of high quality. Buying, instead of making, your dessert is a super time saver and it often costs less to buy ready made in this case.
The more you can put together ahead of time and just put in the fridge or pop in the oven the more time you will be spending with your guests.

3) Keep it simple

Never make something for guests you have never made before or are not confident of pulling off. The more familiar you are with what you are cooking up the easier the prep and execution. Making something new or complicated will make you nervous and you won't enjoy yourself. Part of entertaining is that you as the host/hostess have fun as well as your guests.

If there is a new dish that you really would like to serve then try cooking it at least once before your get together.

4) Keep it simple

If you have too many guests to know all their tastes play it safe. Go with the more mainstream. If you are only having one or two people over take the time to ask them if they have any food aversions or allergies.

If you don't know your guests very well or are unable to ask avoid nuts and shellfish as a good percentage of people have serious allergies to these two foods. To the point where they are unable to eat any other foods prepared in the same kitchen.

5) Keep it simple

Choose dishes and foods that will not suffer if left to cook for a little too long. This way you won't constantly be popping in and out of the kitchen to check on things or be worried about something being over cooked.

6) Keep it simple

Have only one hot course. This means that your starter and your dessert can be made well ahead and that all you need to do is pull the plates out of the fridge.

7) Keep it simple

Red wine, white wine, one kind of soft drink. If your guests ask if they can bring anything do not be shy about telling them to bring what they would like to drink. This is good manners. You can't be expected to stock up on all sorts of libations just in case someone asks for a Harvey Wallbanger or dry Sherry. Unless you are having a cocktail party. In which case the state of your bar is your business!

8) Keep it simple

Your house needs to be clean but don't obsess about the details. Your guests are there to see you and not to inspect how much dust is on the top of the kitchen cabinets. If you are worried that maybe the living room could use a coat of paint opt for mood lighting and candles. It will relax your guests and even you won't see the smudges.

9) Keep it simple

Leave one hour for yourself to relax and get ready plus a half an hour before your guests arrive to just see that everything is in place. Wear something you know you are comfortable in and is appropriate for the occasion.

10) Relax and have fun

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