Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Storytelling - Cheap and Fun Entertainment

Share your stories with family and friends around the campfire or in the car.

Lots of families will be going camping and driving in the car for long trips headed to fun vacations. We really try to not scrimp on experiences and memory making trips, but to cut down on things when money is an issue.

Storytelling is one of the cheapest and best entertainments in the world. Turn off the electronic games and iPods and turn on the communication between real, live and loving people.

Our culture is so addicted to electronic entertainment that story telling and sharing conversations are getting to be a rare commodity. So when you have the opportunity, make a commitment to set around the campfire or snuggle up in a car traveling, or a living room and ask the questions that get the stories started.

Set the mood with firelight or a soft candle

Since the beginning of time, firelight has created a community and yet intimate setting and experience. Campfires which keep you warm and well fed with hot dogs and S'Mores, also add to the ambiance of being safe, protected and ready to share.

We loved telling stories in the car as we traveled and found that we could cover much more ground at night, than during the day when the children were awake and fussy. It was the ritual that they came to expect as we traveled, that as the day turned to dusk, I would tell stories until one by one they fell asleep.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Judy_H._Wright


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