Monday, July 25, 2011

Entertaining Family and Friends on a Tight Budget, Time and Temper

Let's face it. No matter how reclusive you think you are, you will have to entertain family and friends who come over to visit. In accordance with good manners and right conduct as expected of a civilized recluse, you have to entertain your visitors.

But don't get your panties all in a bunch over it. There are ways to make almost everybody happy with your hostess skills without placing too much pressure on your pockets, time and temper. Here then are the simplest and yet most effective tips to achieve such a goal and, yes, it applies even when you love entertaining as much as the recluse shuns it.

Set a Time

If you live a busy lifestyle, your family and friends will understand when one of your conditions for entertaining them in your home is that they should call in advance. At the very least, you will be prepared with even the most basic food like wine and cheese or pizza and soda for when they do come over. You may not have so much food in the fridge or the pantry because you eat out most of the time.

Or even if you are a certified chef of the family, it is still a nice gesture on their part to tell you about their plans. After all, you want to enjoy the food and the company instead of slaving away on the stove while your friends laugh away.

You can also tell your guests about your time limits. Say something about getting your beauty sleep or respecting the neighbors, either of which reason is understandable.

Go for Simple, Easy-to-Prepare Foods

Nobody said that you have to hire a catering company or prepare an elaborate menu for every time you have to entertain family and friends, even the boss from the office. Often, the simplest of foods to prepare is the most desirable one for everybody since the tastes are so familiar. You can add pizzazz by placing a few special touches like mozzarella instead of cheddar cheese.

Or better yet, you can always order simple takeout food from the neighborhood restaurant. All you do is transfer the contents to dinnerware, set the table and place candles as centerpieces and you become the Martha Stewart of instant entertainment. Just make sure that the food is something that your guests will like to eat.

Try Potluck

If your family and friends are hell-bent on visiting, you can always tell them - graciously, of course - that potluck is the order of the day. You may assign each one with a specific food to bring as hostess' gift and then use them as the instant menu. You may also let one of your guests do the planning.

Of course, you have to prepare one or two foods on your own. Still, it is definitely not as troublesome as preparing the menu all by your lonesome self. You can even have fun cleaning up afterwards with your guests, which should be easy considering that the food containers may be disposable.

Truly, there is nothing to be afraid of having company for dinner. Smile, lead them into the living room, search through your fridge and pantry, call the neighborhood restaurant and order takeout, set the table and talk about anything and everything under the sun.

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