Thursday, July 21, 2011

Have a Sports Themed Bar Mitzvah for Your Son

Who says that only girls are allowed to have themed parties for their Bat Mitzvahs? There is no reason why you cannot throw a themed Bar Mitzvah celebration party for after the religious part of the celebration is over. One of the great things about having a themed party is that you get to match every aspect of the party to the theme including the Bar Mitzvah invitations you will be sending out to everyone you hope will attend.

The big difference is that instead of frilly invitations, you will find that boys are more likely to be into some form of sports. If your son is an avid sports player you can use a picture of him playing his favorite sport as the main image for his custom Bar Mitzvah invitation. You can have the picture ghosted onto the invitation and then ask the card maker to use a really fun font to print the information about his special day.

You could go so far as to have the information listed in the same manner as a scoreboard might read and then have the front of the invitation emblazoned with either his favorite team logo or perhaps a baseball, a basketball or a football to complete the picture. Since you are having custom Bar Mitzvah cards made for your son, you get to choose the colors and this would be the perfect time to let everyone know who his favorite team is by having the invitations made in his favorite team's colors. If you order invitations that are layered, you can include all of the colors of his team.

As for the information that should be included on the inside, you need to list which synagogue the ceremony will be held and the time and date. You should then list where the celebration party is to be held, what time it will start and whether or not a meal will be served. You should also include a separate card that can be used for an RSVP so that you know how many people will be showing up.

Keep everything as simple as possible and make sure that you order a few extras as you never know who you might suddenly realize you forgot to invite. Don't forget to keep one of these custom Bar Mitzvah invitations for yourself as a memento of this important occasion. Even though you are going to keep one for yourself you should still have it completely printed as if you were sending it out as this makes it more of an exact replica of the ones that you sent out and lastly make sure that you save one for your son as well.

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