Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Building Your Own CD Shelving Unit is Fun & Easy

Most of us buy CDs like consumables and often find that the CDs, DVDs pile up in our study, bedroom and everywhere. These not only become an eyesore, but it is always at the back of our minds to clean up and stack them up. This becomes an entire weekend project. More than the space issue, we find that just when we need a particular CD we often end up running all over the place and searching, but with no result. If you have kids at home, then it can be damaging to leave CD covers lying all over the place where they run around. Therefore, you need a CD Shelving Unit.

If you have decided to buy some kind of CD Storage Shelves, spend a little time looking at the options available over the internet. From wooden shelving to metal stands, you can choose from a variety of stands attention, to ensure you install a good, long lasting study shelving to hold your collection. However, pause for a moment and think clearly, as to what fits your requirement.

The first consideration while choosing the CD shelving unit should be the saving on space. You may not want the entire unit on the floor and may prefer a floor to roof kind of shelving or CD wall shelves. Second consideration should be that the CD Shelves should be lightweight, sleek and contain more space for storage. Third consideration could be the budget. Now keeping in mind all the above factors, you can ideally go in for building a shelving of your own or depending upon the space that you have chosen for installation, you can custom design a shelving system to match the exact design and size specifications. Using metal or stainless steel rods as a stand to hold sleek wooden planks could make a very elegant and modern design. Having a floor to roof unit will give you ample space to store hundreds of CDs.

Also look at the option of numbering your CDs and putting up the level indicators on the shelf indicating the CD numbers stored at each level. Something like a library index system might be very useful in facilitating easy retrieval.

A few minor things to take care of are to ensure your have adequate lightening provided near the shelving unit and also ensure the spot is dust free and accessible. You do expect your CDs to be lasting over few decades. Hence, storage requires enough.

The author has spent a lot of time learning about CD shelving unit and other related topics. Read more about CD racks shelves at Shawn Manaher's website.

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