Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mexican Food Catering - The Keys to Choosing the Right Caterer

Do you find yourself searching the internet for Mexican food catering companies only to find that you don't know a thing about them. You got family coming in town and you obviously wanna impress them, and you only have one chance to make a first impression. Well here's some advice.

1.) While some people might have a cynical predisposition to leave only negative feedback, most people use review sites to help their fellow consumer. So check the review sites like Urbanspoon, Yelp and City Search.

2.) If the potential caterer has a restaurant, GO THERE. Check 'em out. If the food and service are terrible at the restaurant, guess what, their catering product is probably going to be terrible as well.

3.) Ask for references. Any reputable caterer will gladly fork over, no pun intended, a list of happy clients.

4.) Its not all about the price. Cheaper is not better, just as more expensive is not better. It comes down to a dollar vs. product. What is the biggest bang for your buck. So start with a philosophy of "What is the most quality I can afford?" and go from there.

5.) Apples to Apples. Make sure your comparing apples to apples. If one caterer provides a condiment that another doesn't, take that into consideration.

6.) Portion Size. It's time to get specific. Whether it be a quantity or weight, you want to know. Do not settle for terms like "enough for one person".

7.) Hidden Charges. Don't fall for the low per head charge only to realize that the caterer failed to mention anything about a service charge, gratuity, or delivery charge. Any reputable catering company will be upfront with costs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Albert_Sanchez


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