Monday, May 23, 2011

The Best Hen Costume Ideas

When planning a themed hen party, the first thing to keep in mind is that the said party should suit not only the taste of the bride-to-be but also that of her circle invited. No matter if hen parties are considered to have arisen as a token of the sexual liberation ideas or as a token of the last complete female bonding occasion, the theme chosen should express the style and taste common to the bride-to-be and her friends.

Usually, any theme party is about freedom and the last day of freedom. As such, theme parties are most of them costumed games, expressing the pleasure of playing unbounded. Some people like to play rather more like in real life, while others are inclined to revive child memories or emulate their preferred movies or books while playing. In either case, for a theme party to be a success, creativity and the right amount of planning are essential. Even if the themes are so to speak ´classical´, with the right accessories, the outfits may be given that touch of singularity and memorable quality, which any hen 'arty should strive for.

If the girls share a passion for sports, they may choose a sportive theme, picking up as such either racing girl costumes, or boxer or baseball costumes. If in real life the bride to be is rather rational and authoritative, she may go for a referee suit, coordinating as it were the last game. If the girl´s common psyche is rather nostalgic for childhood games, they might remember the most beloved children game, the fight between Indians and cowboys, well cowgirls in this case. Neckerchiefs, cowboy hats and Indian wigs and headbands would be welcome make-believe additions to these costumes.

If less 'aggressive', they may stop at fairy tales, having the bride play the central character, whoever that is: the Riding Hood, Belle or Cinderella. If the animal kingdom looks more tempting, or they enjoyed watching a lot of cartoons as kids, they may plan an animal theme hen party with bumble bees and lady birds. On the same lines, if they are good girls or even religious ones, they may select an angel theme and embellish themselves with halos and wands and wings, imprinting that last purity before the wedding night.

On the contrary, if the girls want something spicy, and seductive games are more on their taste, they may choose among a great variety of outfits embodying hints or plain statements of seduction, sexuality and bondage, such as police women or pink police women, angels and devils, (the bride-to-be wearing the devil lady costume) or whatever the mind of men find seductive: waitresses, majorettes, bunnies, air hostesses, nurses, etc.

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