Friday, May 20, 2011

Your Party - An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

This is a true story.

I frequently entertain at parties and events by drawing caricatures for the guests. The guests have a fun time while they watch me draw the candidate in the 'hot seat' and then he gets a ready-made souvenir to take home.

I entertain in all kinds of environments ranging from fancy hotel ballrooms to outdoor festivals, company offices, and people's homes.

On this day I had set up my easel under a large shady maple in the leafy enclosed yard in a home in an upscale Philadelphia suburb. The yard was large and private. The occasion? A boy's middle school graduation party.

I was not the only entertainment. There was also a DJ to provide music and dancing.

The party, held in the mid-afternoon on a weekday, was small, low-key, and the kids were orderly. The DJ played his music at a moderate decibel level.

All-in-all, this was a pleasant, well managed event.

Until 3pm when the police arrived.

A neighbor had called the police complaining of noise. The police asked the DJ to refrain from playing his music.

I had no part in planning the festivities and I do not know the peculiarities of the township's regulations. Nor do I know if my client had a pesky or sensitive neighbor.

But there were some steps my client could have taken that might have prevented the problem.

She could have given a heads up to her neighbors, or at least a neighbor that might be particularly sensitive.

She could have given a heads up to her local town clerk or police department.

If she required any permits, she would have had them. And in most towns, none would have been required for a party as low-key as hers. But even if none were required, the local police would have been aware that the event was going on.

Local cops like to know what is going on in their beat. When they know about your bash ahead of time, they are likely to deflect complaining neighbors.

The requirements of some towns are more onerous than others. You or your event planner has to research your town's particular procedures and sensitivities. But non-compliance can result in your party being shut down.

Even if you have paid thousands of dollars for it.

Even if you think it is totally unreasonable.

While it is true that some townships and some regulations are unnecessarily onerous, most town regulations are designed to prevent catastrophes. Such as the collapse of a poorly rigged tent on party guests. And, unfortunately, that happens.

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