Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Stag Activities: Things Best Avoided?

You had planned a few stag parties for your friends earlier and hence have a decent idea of organizing these parties. Though you have a fair idea of planning the stag parties, you still want to know the tips and strategies for planning the party. You want to plan the stag party of your best friend and so you want everything for the trip to be perfect. Well, there is nothing wrong or nothing surprising if you want everything to be in order in the weekend trip of your friend. However, to ensure a complete entertainment package, you should be careful about everything related to the trip.

Like many others, you might have the knowledge of the things that should be included in the weekend trip. Therefore, now you need to know the things that you should avoid for planning the weekend breaks. Well, there are a few different things that you should avoid for planning successful stag weekends. One of them is deciding everything for the trip on your own, no holds barred. Though the stag parties are organized by the friends and near ones of the groom, it does not mean that they will plan everything on their own and without discussing with the groom. If you want to make the party idea successful, you should take suggestions from the groom.

When you consider the weekend destinations for the stag do, you should also consult with your friend and try to know the place where he would like to go. Everyone has some special desires from their stag breaks. To fulfill the desire of your friend, you should ask him where he wants to go and what he wants to do in the stag weekend. You should try and avoid discussing the budget or the expenses of the trip with the person for whom the thing is planned.

Many people pressurize the groom, forcing him to pay for everything in the stag break. If you want to make the stag party entertaining for your friend, you should share the expenses among yourself and do not ask the groom to pay the price for the stag activities. However, if he insists to pay for the activities, you can share some cost with him but do not make him to pay for all the things. If the groom gets bogged down with expenses, he will not be able to enjoy the party and then the purpose of organizing the party will be lost.

Though stag parties are planned a few days before the marriage ceremony, you should not make it on the last moment. If you plan the celebrations in the last moment, the groom might not be able to make the fun as he will be much more anxious about the marriage ceremony. He might also be busy with some other works related to his marriage and then you might have to drop down the entire idea for planning the weekend break to celebrate his bachelorhood. To make the party rocking, you should invite the close friends and the near ones of the groom. You should refrain from inviting anyone whom the groom does not like.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jacob_Bainton


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