Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tips For Buying and Using a Zip Wire

Zip wires are great fun. A strong cable attached between two trees or between two posts or stands can be fun for all the family. There are many zip wires available on the market, but it's a good idea to think things through when buying them. Incidentally, when you are searching for them, they may also be called aerial runways or flying foxes. Here are some tips.

1. Check the line is from a reputable supplier and manufacturer.

Good retailers generally buy from good suppliers and have a duty of care towards their customers. If you're not sure about the product, these are most likely the people you can call up for installation advice or support. Most likely a good product will have some sort of certification.

2. Buy a new zip line.

It's sometimes great to buy things second-hand cheaply. This is one thing I would always want to buy new, unless you can actually see the product and really know you are buying from someone reliable. You want to make sure it is safe.

3. Buy a line which will stand some weight.

You may be buying this for your children to play on in the garden or the yard, but I am pretty sure you are soon going to want to have a go too. Think this through and then buy a line that is up to the weight of an adult.

4. Read the installation instructions.

If you are anything like me, you will buy a new toy or have a new project and want to dive straight into it. If you have bought from a reliable supplier and manufacturer, you will have bought something will be well designed and safe. But that does not mean it should be fitted badly!

5. Never use or allow the zip wire to be used alone.

These products are safe, but longer zip wires can get you going at speed, and there is always the chance someone will fall off (or jump off) when it would be better if they had hung on a little longer. By always making sure there are two of you, you will be safer and have more fun.

6. Wear gloves and, if necessary, a helmet.

This advice depends on the sort of installation. I've seen zip lines stretched across a lake or pond. This is fun if the lake or pond is deep enough, but maybe the advice should be wear swimming trunks and a life jacket!

The final piece of advice is: go out and have fun.

There can be few more fun things to do than hurl yourself down a Steven Warren writes on a wide range of subjects but finds some of his best fun is playing with his children. Life has been even more fun since he installed a zip wire in the garden.

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