Friday, April 13, 2012

Inexpensive Ideas for Entertaining Family and Friends

Over the years I am always amazed at how much people enjoy a simple bonfire. My son and daughter both have one in their back yards and use them through out the year. My grandchildren have been known to ask for bonfire birthday parties.

Both have what I call a "no cost" pit. They cleared out a spot among their trees, dug a small pit and placed a circle of rocks around it. My daughter even went as far as using logs for seating. As they both have wooded areas around their home, neither are lacking for something to burn. There are always dead trees falling or being cut down.

But if you do not have this asset you can use one of these inexpensive ideas.

[1] Pick up dried tree branches as you are walking around the neighborhood

[2] Tightly rolled newspapers: Wet your paper and layer them in 7-8 sheets, start at one end and roll tightly to the other. Lay them in the sun to dry for a few days. You will be amazed at how long they will burn.

[3] Watch for people cutting down trees and ask if you can have the wood. Most people will allow you to carry off all you can, especially if all you are taking is the smaller branches.

You want to always carefully supervise the fires, especially when children are around, but I've found that most people will sit for hours around that fire, talking or playing music or just sitting quietly. But you might want to try roasting a few hot dogs on a stick [kids love finding and making their own sticks] or browning a marsh mellow or two.

If you have trouble getting your fire started, place 2-3 marsh mellows around the wood pile and strike a match to them. They are mostly sugar and will burn easily. Their flames will starting your paper, kindling or dry wood quicker. Soon you will be eating and singing some happy campfire songs.

If you want to add some beautiful colors to your fire, buy a short piece of 1 inch copper pipe and cut several slits half way through the pipe, then place a piece of old water hose into the copper pipe. Throw the pipe into the fire and watch the fire come alive with color. The plastic hose will slowly burn but only do this if you are not using the fire for cooking. The chemicals in the hose and pipe are not good for you, so do not sit close to the flames and do not cook food over the flames. It's only beauty is visual.

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