Friday, March 9, 2012

This Year's Toys Are Yesterday's News

Your television isn't the only piece of electronic equipment vying for you time and your entertainment dollar. There are so many choices, that there is never an excuse to be bored. Television and video games are meant to supplement your normal, everyday activities. They are not meant to be your primary entertainment or an obsession that you can't live without. When they stop being fun, then it is time to find a new activity.

Television has long since being the most important family way to have fun. Video games and the DVD player leave no reason to be bored. But you just have to remember that the DVD player and the video games and the cable television is not always the best way to promote family fun. There are more important ways and they do not include sitting your family in front of a plasma screen television and letting them stare vacantly into the screen in order to kill time.

Microsoft and Sony have each come up with their own version of motion controlled gaming. They are hoping to take the steam out of Nintendo as they had dominated the market for three years now. Both companies want their hardcore gamers to enjoy high definition graphics and games that are not necessarily aimed at kids. Whether it is fair or not, Nintendo has been labeled that company that makes kids games. Not all of their games are for young children, but it is a reputation that they have built by making these games accessible to every demographic.

Sony has launched their new Move system which incorporates a controller very similar to Nintendo's nunchuck controller. It is a two piece design, made to fit in each hand and can be disconnected for certain games or situations. The difference is that the action of the controller is tracked by a camera that you mount above your television set. It is much more realistic in it's ability to track the remotes that are in your hand. It also makes it more difficult to calibrate the controls each time you want to play a game.

Microsoft now has a system that allows you to not have to use your hands altogether. It has a special camera you mount upon your television and brings you even closer to the action. This time next year, though, most of these systems will be rendered obsolete by new and improved products.

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