Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Secure Your Haven With Exotic Smelling Wickless Candles

In a majority of fire disasters caused by candles at homes, statistics reveals that the mishaps were caused by the candles being left unattended or the candles had ignited any nearby combustible substance or had otherwise been tripped which resulted in fire accidents. Unfortunately, the beddings or mattresses were the first to get ignited in house fires. Children in their fun and frolic tend to overlook the fact that burning candles can raise fire havoc in a house. Therefore, children need a constant vigil whenever a lighted flame candle is around them. Thus, the flame candles are not family friendly and safe at all.

A wickless candle can solve the fire hazard problem very amicably. A wickless candle is nothing but an electric warmer with scented wax which when heated with the aid of a low watt bulb will safely release your choice of perfume. The bulb used in wickless candles glows at 15, 20 or 25 wattage depending on the type of electric warmer that you have. These wickless candles are so safe to use that you can leave them on with your little brat around. Even if your child puts his or finger in the molten wax, that should not cause any problem of burning. Even if you wish to enjoy the wickless candle for 24 hours at a stretch, you will not have any worry about fire mishaps.

This flame-less, soot less, smoke less wickless candle is truly eco-friendly as it does not release any harmful particles in the atmosphere at all! Therefore, there is no fear of soot particles, carbon monoxide vapors or carbon dioxide vapors being released on using it. Thus, it renders itself very safe to be used in your house while there are children, the aged or the pets around.

You can choose your favorite choice of fragrance from a range of exotic smelling wickless candles to have some reviving time for yourself. Try them, they are sure to win your heart.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jessica_N_King


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