Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Plan the Perfect Party on a Budget

The perfect party. That may not actually be possible, but you want to get as close as you can. So here are a few practical ideas to help you on your way toward the best party you've ever planned. And that brings us to hint number one.

Plan to have fun. That may sound like a 'no-brainer'. Of course you want to have fun, but what I mean is don't just expect the fun to appear from nowhere. Plan for it. Have some activities set up that will bring people out of their shell and get them interacting with others in a fun way. When you were a child, the fun just seemed to happen, but as we age (oh so gracefully), our inhibitions grow. Adults are more likely to be a bit guarded in their approach to a new situation - such as a party. I'm not talking about a few friends coming over for dinner, but rather, a larger group at like at a birthday party or even a wedding. These types of events bring people of various backgrounds, cultures, ages and economic strata together in one big sometimes-uncomfortable "family". So you wind up with people who have little if anything in common except that they were all invited to the party. - Have fun! No...you need to plan for it.

Depending upon the event and the size of the group you can plan various common experiences that everyone can enjoy and talk about during the party. Basically, you need to entertain the group as a whole at some time near the beginning of the party to bring them together and give them some shared experience. That's the basis of great conversation. We'll get to some possibilities later in this article. Right now, lets look at some other areas of concern to make this a wonderful party.

Great food and drinks. Do you plan to feed everyone? Well, take into account the group you are inviting. If this is a large gathering, there will probably be some dietary concerns from your guests. So, variety is the key. Sometimes firing up the grill and flipping a few hamburgers is fine. However, with a larger group, you'll want more than that to satisfy the tastes of your guests. Thus, you want to consider a couple of options. If you are going to provide all the food, are you going to spend the days prior to the party shopping for and preparing a host of delicacies? Or are you more of a hands off type? If so, find a good caterer in your area and discuss some options. Wedding planners have this down to a science, but if you are planning this yourself, then you have to do some leg work. Most metro areas have buffet style restaurants. The kind where you walk from station to station and fill your own plate...with all your favorites. That's what your guests really want. So why not contact one of those places and find out what they charge to cater the meal or just prepare it for pick up the day of the party. That could save you hours of planning and preparation.

Location, location, location. Where are you going to host this gala event? That depends upon the number of people and the budget. Doesn't it? You home may well serve the purpose nicely. Just be prepared for all possible weather conditions. Snow or rain can leave a home a bit damp if guests tramp in and out during the party. Then, of course there is the big push to clean prior to the party, and then the inevitable clean-up after the party with the "oh no!" surprises that come. "How did that red stain get there?" You'll never find out.

Therefore, you might consider moving the party off-premises. There are several options available. Obviously, you can rent one of the various halls in the area. Look in the yellow pages or do a search for your city reception halls. But if you want to keep the budget in mind, think a bit outside the box. Many parks nowadays have very spacious, heated pavilions. With a bit of appropriate party decorating, these spaces can serve your needs for a very reasonable rate.

Now back to entertainment. That shared experience that brings everyone together. At a wedding the experience is built into the day. However, not everyone goes to the ceremony. That's why there is dancing and Dj's and the like. Music is very much a matter of personal preference though. What Grandma wants to hear or dance to may be worlds apart from that techno-music the DJ decided to play. So, make sure you talk to your DJ or band to determine the range of music available for your party.

Another thing to think about is bringing in a dedicated entertainer to perform for the group. This could be a comedian, ventriloquist, magician, fire eater- whatever. Think creatively and then call around for some quotes. Beware though, you want to see the act in some way prior to booking the show. Entertainers are like everything else. Some are great, and some are...well, lets just say some are trying. You want proven results. Obviously, cost is a concern, but don't let it be the driving force behind who you hire. The cheapest act may be great or it may be the cheapest for a reason. Again, see the act prior to booking. Or get references from past clients.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Scott_O.


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