Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hobsonville Point Playground Review

Finally, the great weather is here...hopefully for a long while too! I know this review was promised a few weeks ago but I haven't really had the chance to get outside with the kids, without the wind blowing or the rain pouring!

I recently got a group of friends together at the Hobsonville Point playground and took this opportunity to gather some opinions about the new playground and what it has to offer. There are some fantastic play pieces, cleverly designed to embrace a "nature" theme. There are lots of cool sculptures and plenty of greenery. It really will look pretty in a couple of years. Our kids really enjoy this playground. There are lots of things to do and many challenges to be had. The equipment suits children from around 2yrs upwards. There is however nothing really available for kids under this age. It could use some extra pieces (such as those available at Western Springs park) to cater for this age. I have a 6 year old, a 4 year old and a 1 year old and will watch the youngest closely to see what she finds to do.

Among some of the play equipment, there is a cool "spiders web" for the kids to climb up, some sculptures for the kids to hideaway in, awesome spinning cups to sit in (watch the kids tummies if they're on them for too long!!), but by far the standout pieces are the fantails nests. The kids love them. The are high and creative with a neat mesh for the kids to climb between them. I do have a serious safety concern about them though and have contacted the Hobsonville Land Company regarding this. While I was exploring the fantails nest myself (why not!), I caught a little girl as she was about to fall some 2m down the ladder hole. I think there needs to be a modification made to this area. Any other parents have any thoughts on this?

When I chatted to a few other parents at the park most of the feedback was really positive..and rightly so. A few constructive points people made were; the need for some shade to sit under close to the park (perhaps some shade sails for summer?), a toilet nearer the playground (you have to use the café's toilet facilities and as most parents of small children don't get a lot of warning sometimes and it is a bit of a hike), the water fountain for drinking was quite tricky to turn on, with most of the kids we were with (age 6 and below) struggling with this. Unfortunately the slides are made of metal, and on the day we were there, many of the kids complained that they were too hot to slide down. The swings could use a bit of an oil too. All in all though, this playground is a real success, with the kids loving the adventures they have. My 6 year old also discovered the small hill nearby, and had loads of fun rolling down it! It won't be there forever though so make the most of it now!

On a side note, does anyone know if there are rules regarding dogs at playgrounds? I have a friend whose little fella is utterly terrified of them and he had a bad experience at the park the other day with a dog. I have noticed a few dog owners taking their dogs into the play areas (some leashed, some not). My thoughts on this are that the playground is for kids not dogs (even if they are leashed). If you take your dog, perhaps you could tie him/her up by the nearby trees? I understand that most dog owners will probably disagree with this, but as a parent of small children (one of whom is not entirely comfortable in the presence of dogs), I would rather they be kept away.

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