Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Party Cheap! 5 Ways to Entertain Without Busting Your Budget Or Losing Your Mind

Throwing a party (or even just having a few friends over for dinner) is something many of us tend to put off. Whether it's the stress or the expense of the event that's making you drag your feet, here are five ways to party cheap and entertain your friends without busting your budget - or losing your mind.

1. Plan ahead. You'll save on everything if you start the planning process early. Plan the entire party, from music to food to drink, on paper and make a budget for each item. Then ask yourself what you can simplify and what you can delegate. Is there anyone who can help you with food, music, liquor, decorations?

Ask family members (and those especially good and supportive friends) to help you. If you feel comfortable, ask your guests to bring an appetizer or a bottle of wine to the party. There's no shame in hosting a potluck.

Whether you ask for help or go it alone, planning ahead will save you money on every single aspect of your party. Once your menu is planned, you can be on the lookout for good prices on things you need. For decorations and party favors, be on the lookout for online coupons that will help you save.

2. Have the party at home. If you absolutely don't have enough space to have the party in your own home, consider inviting fewer people (now there's a way to bring down the pricetag!) or find an inexpensive venue. Ask your friends for ideas in your area, or do a google search for local community centers that may allow you to use their space for the price of a deposit or a small fee.

3. Keep your menu simple. You don't need 4 courses. If you aren't doing a buffet-style potluck, limit yourself to some good munchies at the start, a good entre, and a delicious dessert. The most important tip here is to have everything prepared ahead of time so you aren't running around frantically while your guests are trying to socialize with you. Plus, you want to be relaxed and ready to enjoy your own party - or it really will feel like a waste of money.

4. Make your own music. Bring your iPod loaded with a great party playlist. If you haven't a clue what to play at a party, put your most fun friend in charge of music. She'll be honored and you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much the right music choices can add fun and festivities to your shindig.

5. Limit the liquor. This is a major way to save because having a well-stocked bar at your party can be a real budget-buster. Instead of a full bar, limit your guest's selections to two or three inexpensive cocktails, which you can make ahead by the pitcher. Beyond that, a couple of inexpensive wine and beer choices will be just fine.

The most fun party we've ever hosted featured an ice-filled Red Flyer wagon filled with Pabst and plunked in the front yard - so there really isn't going to be a correlation between the fun you have and the budget allotted.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jamie_Jefferson


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