Friday, July 8, 2011

Play it Safe With Fireworks

Fireworks are great fun to watch. People going oooh and aahhhh after a spectacular display of pyrotechnics high up in the night sky. Fireworks are always a crowd favorite whether it's a 4th of July display or a ballgame or New Years Eve. It could be a professional show or neighbors in the backyard. Either way it is an exciting diversion to spice up an evening. Safety plays an important part in all of that fun because when someone gets hurt the fun diminishes quickly.

Last year in the United States hospital emergency rooms treated an estimated 2,700 children age 15 and under for injuries involving fireworks during what is known as fireworks season which runs from mid June until mid July. Over 40 percent of all people injured by fireworks are children under 15 according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Don't let kids play with fireworks without responsible adult supervision. Always give the children your undivided attention when engaged in any activity involving fireworks. Here are some recommendations as precautionary measures for adults who decide to use fireworks.

* Do not carry fireworks in your pocket or hold them close to your face at any time.

* Never attempt to relight fireworks that have malfunctioned.

* Always aim your fireworks away from buildings, spectators, or any flammable materials.

* Once you have lit your fireworks move quickly away from them at least 20 feet or as recommended on the packaging.

* Do not modify fireworks or try to create your own unless you are a munitions expert.

* Keep a phone and a fire extinguisher close by.

* Teach your children how to call 911 in an emergency and teach them the stop, drop, and roll method in case their clothes catch fire.

Play it safe and enjoy those fireworks.

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