Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Costumes For Children - Five Easy Homemade Costumes Children Love!

Wondering what to do for your children's Halloween costumes? Just look in your closet! You probably have a bunch of items already lying around the house that you can use for costumes children will love to wear.

Here's five easy and fun Halloween costumes children can wear, and that you can make out of things you either have in your closet, or from simple items you can borrow from friends or find inexpensively at most thrift stores.

Pirate Children's Costume

For boys, start with a loose button-down shirt. You can cut the ends of the sleeves ragged. For girls, a peasant blouse will work. Add a vest overtop by cutting an old shirt. Boys can add loose pants, girls a skirt cut to be ragged at the bottom. Add boots, or use black shoes and make a boot look by wearing black leg warmers folded over at the top. Add a bandana on the head, and a piece of fabric around the waist for a belt. Find treat bags with a skull and crossbones on them, or make your own from a pillow case.

Nerd Children's Costume

One of the costumes children get a huge kick out of! Just wear clothes that are a bit too small, with too short cuffs and 'flood' pants pulled up too high. Button the shirt all the way to the top. White socks and black shoes, plus a pocket protector, complete the look. Gel the hair into a geeky style, and add a few zits with makeup. Use a backpack for their treat bag.

Gypsy Children's Costume

So easy! For girls, a peasant blouse with layers of colourful skirts, sashes around their head and waist, and lots of jangly bracelets and necklaces. For boys, a white shirt unbuttoned at the top to show lots of gold necklaces, plus loose pants tucked into a pair of boots and a sash around the head and waist. Decorate a pillow case with glitter, sequins and scarves for a treat bag.

Cowboy Children's Costume

Chances are you've got jeans already... just add a plaid button-up shirt, and tie a bandana around their neck or tuck one into their back pocket. You can find straw cowboy hats, western style vests and cowboy boots at most thrift stores. For a treat bag, use a paper bag with handles or a tin bucket.

Tourist Children's Costume

This is another fun costume children enjoy. Your kids probably have Bermuda shorts, or something similar. Find a Hawaiian shirt (you probably have a few of those too!) and add a sun visor, sandals with socks, and a few cameras around their neck. You can also stuff their pockets with travel brochures available at any travel agent's office. For more fun, give them a carry-on bag to use as their trick or treat bag!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Samantha_Hexe


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