Monday, June 13, 2011

Why Television Sucks

People who are bored, lonely, and have lots of leisure time end up sitting in front of the television set night after night. They can recite TV commercials, the backbone of programming dollars, verbatim. They know the characters of their favorite shows inside and out and can even tell you in mind-numbing detail about the actors' private lives. It's a sad affair.

Educated people with the energy drained from their systems from a hard day's work find themselves sitting in front of the set, too. Is it a form of relaxation or the need to get into a trance in order to unwind before calling it quits for the day and heading off to bed for the night. It does beat hitting the bottle, but it's not much more of a step up the leisure time ladder.

Then there are the quintessential commercials aimed at removing dollars from your budget as they tout this product or that new gizmo. They are, all too often, lethargic, indifferent attempts of marketing new products. Unless, of course, the product was a top seller and has been on the market for ages, in TV commercial circles that's a few weeks, then the commercial is deemed a winner and played nauseously for months on end until the audience finally purchases the item.

Silly sells when the audience is hypnotized into a lethargic stupor of non-concern. This comes in the form of adult animation. The attempt to integrate stupidity into meaningful lives is an act of conscious and apathetic programming. Characters deal with idiotic plots only lunatics and mentally inept people would admit to doing. Yet they survive. How they beat the longevity of more meaningful programming is beyond belief.

Reality TV. There isn't any such thing. Life is reality and no middle to lower income person, sibling, or family member is going to sequester themselves' away on a barren island, even if they have nearby medical help, a helicopter and other lifelines standing by. First the reality of it all is most people couldn't afford it. Second, it's almost too boring. Yet, millions of viewers watch these pathetic attempts at so-called reality programming.

Movies on TV. The best are mostly old movies. The newest movies with understandable plots where murder, violence or inane physiological damage isn't required are almost non-existent. Oldies with a flare such as The Wizard of Oz just don't exist out there in TV cinema.

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