Thursday, April 7, 2011

How Much Would FREE Electricity Mean to You?

For too many years now the energy company's have been over charging us for electricity. They have been milking our need for electricity for all it is worth!The price of electricity is sky rocketing every quarter in Australia. With plans for more increases over the next two years. I, myself have been looking into solar and wind power, with jaw dropping results at the extreme cost of going green!

Solar and wind power have their draw backs. Wind power is useless when there is no wind. Solar power is useless without the sun. Than you have maintenance costs on top of the thousands you paid for these systems? It just is not financially possible to afford wind or solar power.

It would take around 8 years to pay off your solar or wind generator in the savings you make in reduced electricity bills. Did you know that an average solar panel will only last 10 years? You will be no better off than you are relying on the electricity company's? You could compare a wind turbine to a car motor. 10 years of a sound running car is all you would get. Then it becomes sluggish and becomes unreliable.

The environmental damage that harvesting oil and coal from our earths core for electricity production is doing irreversible damage to our planets long-term welbeing. Our energy use today, is directly impacting our children's and their children's future. This has to be the best reason to seek free, sustainable electricity!

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