Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The ABC's of Setting a Table

Nothing tells others that you are refined and sophisticated quite like knowing how to set a dinner table. If you know how to properly lay down a dinner set and all the associated items, you are telling others that you are not only knowledgeable, but that you care enough about them to provide not only a fine meal, but fine surroundings. In this article we will be outlining the steps required to set a dinner table for your family and friends.

The Basics

Here are the basics with which you can start. Depending upon the type of dinner party you are planning, you can add to these basics.

a) The first thing you need to determine is how many people you are planning on having over. You will need to have one place setting for each person, so make sure that there are enough chairs around the table to accommodate them.

b) Place the dinner plate in the center of the place setting. Everything else will go around the focal point of this dinner plate.

c) The flatware (i.e.: fork, knife and spoon) will be arranged around the dinner plate in the order in which it will be used. The fork is placed to the left of the plate, while the knife and spoon are placed to the right. The knife is placed right next to the plate with the cutting edge pointed inwards. To the immediate right of the knife is the spoon.

d) Next comes the glass for water. Place this directly above the knife.

e) If you have napkins available, place them under the forks.

Informal Dinner Setting

For an informal dinner party you merely need to start with the basics, and add to them. Here are a few pointers to keep in mind:

a) Are you planning on having a salad? If so, you will need a place for the salad fork. It goes to the left of the dinner fork. You already laid the dinner fork down during the basics.

b) If you happen to be serving soup, set the bowl directly on top of the dinner plate, and place the soup spoon to the right of the spoon you laid down during the basics.

c) Salad or bread and butter knifes go down next. They go directly to the left of the forks. If you have butter plates, they go directly above the dinner plate. Put the butter knife directly on top of the butter plate.

d) The cup and saucer come next. Put them directly above the spoons. The handle of the cup should point towards the right. Wine or water glasses go to the left of the coffee cup.

Formal Dinner

The formal dinner setting is the most elaborate setting of all, but there is nothing to worry about...we will explain all the steps to you. You merely need to follow the guidelines for an informal dinner setting, and build upon it. Here is the additional information you need:

a) You will need separate wine glasses if you are serving both white and red wines. Wine glasses should be placed next to the water glass (which is in turn placed to the left of the coffee cup).

b) Additional spoons (i.e.: for soup, beverage, or dessert) should be placed immediately to the right of the knife. Alternately, they can be brought to the table when either the soup or dessert is being served.

c) Centerpieces look very nice and add a bit of class. Look around to see if you can find an appropriate one. If you are artistic, you could always make your own.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Wallace_Kirby


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