Thursday, March 17, 2011

More Types of Do-It-Yourself Mystery Games

So now that you know about the difference between murder and non-murder parties, kids' parties and family-friendly games, the next item you need to know about is the FORM of game. There are only three types of mystery games, although they come in many formats depending on the game and the company providing the mystery party.

Mingle Mysteries

Mingle mystery games are very interactive (and can also be referred to as "interactive"). This type of game is perfect for getting your guests up and mixing with the other guests. Suspects and players question one another to gather information, and giving each player the opportunity to keep the information they've uncovered to themselves, or even eavesdrop on two other players to conduct their investigation. These types of mystery games are perfect for parties that contain guests who don't know one another, as corporate ice breakers and something less formal. The predominant point you need to know with Mingle Mysteries is that they have your guests up and mulling around, seeking out suspects they need to question. This is in contrast to...

Mystery Dinner

Mystery Dinners are also known as turn-based mysteries, and are a more structured type of game. They are designed to be played around different dinner courses, although they don't HAVE to be played during a dinner. The rounds or "chapters" allow for the host to conduct any type of food-related activities needed, and information is shared to the group en masse instead of one-on-one like in the Mingle Mystery. The clues in a Mystery Dinner usually prompt each player when it's time to share their information, and the mystery game plays more like a story or a play than an interactive game. Mystery Dinners are perfect for those who are a little skittish about playing, and will help them get their feet wet with guidance. The predominant thing to remember with a Mystery Dinner is that it's more formatted, sometimes played in turns and most often have your guests sitting down, either around a dinner table or in a living room or event venue.

Scripted Mysteries

Scripted Mysteries are just that - scripted! Your suspects will have a series of lines to say to reveal their information, and can require dramatic scenes be played out throughout the mystery. Some Scripted Mysteries couple both the formula of a Mystery Dinner and the Mingle Mystery with scenes as well as time to interrogate. Scripted Mystery Games are perfect for larger events, fundraisers and anytime a facilitator has a cast of outgoing people that can take the "stage". The predominant thing to remember about Scripted Mystery Parties is that all or some of the mystery will be acted out by the suspects.

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