Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The 2 People That Make a Party Successful

When you're throwing a party at your home, it's important to be a good host - and in my opinion, this means you need to make sure that everyone has everything that they want, when they want it. A tough level to achieve, for sure. But you don't need to be constantly serving everybody - you can do this by making keeping the food and entertainment ready to go, so they can help themselves. Here is some advice on how to do this.

-Make sure someone is on food full time
You need to have someone constantly keeping food levels high. This person may be you, but if so, keep in mind that this is where the bulk of the work will come from. Fed people are happy, lazy people. The key there is happy. But lazy is good too, because then they'll be easier to keep satisfied, as they sit around and talk or doze off. The perfect result for you.

-Make food accessible for them
One of my favorite realizations was at a party when I figured out that I could use freezer baskets to keep the deserts neatly organized, and ready to come out. I'd just pull out the basket, put the ice cream cups in small bowls, and hand them out. By keeping myself organized, I was able to keep the serving organized. And it resulted in a successful party.

-Have the entertainer ready
The food person is half the battle. The other half is the socially savvy person that will keep spirits high, conversation flowing, and the party a smashing success. Again, this may be you - you could even try both of these jobs if you want. But when I'm running a party, I look at the food person as step 1, and the entertainer as step A. A party will be okay if one is great and the other is okay, but if you get both of them working in sync, you have an A-1 celebration.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Philip_Mills


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