Thursday, July 15, 2010

How to Plan a Tea Party

A tea party is a great idea for a get together with your friends that can be an alternative to a barbecue or meeting for coffee. They are great for occasions like birthdays, baby showers and any celebration where you're looking to celebrate in the daytime or afternoon rather than the evening.

It is easy to prepare for a fun tea party. First think if you'd like to plan your party around a theme. This could be based on the reason for the celebration, for example babies or retirement or you could choose any theme you like such as Alice in Wonderland or a theme related to the season. Choosing a theme will help you plan the food to serve and make it more fun to choose appropriate table wear and decorate.

All tea parties need a good tea set! Tea sets come in all sorts of styles from traditional to modern and it's even more fun if you can find one to match your theme. At the very least you'll need a tea pot, enough tea cups and saucers for all your guests, a pot for sugar and a jug for milk, and appropriate plates and serving dishes for the food.

Traditional tea party food usually includes a selection of sandwiches, scones, cakes and other sweet treats but you can include whatever you like to match your theme and the preferences of your guests. A chocolate tasting tea party is a fun idea for a girly get together or why not ask each guest to bring their own baked goods?

You'll also need to select tea which complements the food. You can choose a traditional English blend or go a bit more exotic with a green tea or fruit tea. Always choose a good quality loose tea over tea bags and make sure to brew it for the recommended time in a tea pot.

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Setting Up a Family Circus

The thought of the circus coming to town has always been enough to light up a kid's eyes. But if for some unexplained reason it does not come this year, don't despair. Why not try to get the kids to put on their very own Circus?

If you invite all your friends and your family over you could let them be the audience, and you could be the ringmaster.

Depending on how many kids there are for the performance, you may need to get some kids to perform a couple of times as different acts. All the kids will have different talents, so it is important to match those talents with the acts they are performing.

If some older kids want to learn how to juggle for the show, let them. Just remember that it will be safer for them to juggle with something soft rather than batons or hard objects. You would not want anybody getting hit by a stray object.

The high wire act could be somebody walking across the length of a piece of wood balanced on two sets of bricks or something. Just imagine that they are higher up and have no safety net to catch them.

You could rope the family dog into the Circus as well. You could let one of the kids be a Lion tamer and the dog could be the Lion. If there are no pets then let another kid dress up as a Lion. You cannot have a Circus without the Lion tamer.

There will be no shortage of volunteers to be the clowns either. Just get the kids to make up their own costumes and make up. This should be a laugh straight away. As the ringmaster it is your responsibility to do a professional job at introducing each act.

Make the audience feel as though they are in a real Circus by offering peanuts and popcorn for them to nibble on during the show. You should be able to gauge a reaction of how the show is going each time you announce an act.

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Upscale Magazine

The Upscale magazine is a magazine for complicated and victorious African-Americans. It celebrates black culture, entertainment and news with readers includes convincing articles about travel, health and fitness, business, beauty and fashion, relationships and much more.

This Upscale magazine is considered to be one of the best magazines for African-Americans. It's geared towards middle and upper class African-Americans and its heavy on entertainers. This magazine is designed for ambitious African-Americans who want success in business and life. It includes articles on politics, health, fashion, business, travel and home life from the view of the black community. It also contains inspirational features on successful and famous African-Americans. Readers describe it as a great magazine with lots of helpful information. The articles cover everything from finance to romance. You would really love it especially the design made for women of color. There are lots of interesting stories included and a few ads for products that will make you feel great. It is filled with different topics that other magazines don't dare to discuss. You will really like this magazine. This Upscale magazine seeks to provide a forum for black Americans, a vehicle to explain concerns and issues that are essential to black readers. It also contains exclusive insights into the lives of celebrities and a continued effort to serve the black readers with current breaking news. One of the best things about this magazine is that it answers solutions and ideas for today's lifestyle. The company that produces the magazine is said to be one of the most successful companies in multimedia.

Upscale magazine varies in style, color and other features. If you want to read samples of it, you can simply visit some of its websites. There, you will find its price as well as see its pictures. There will be no regrets when subscribing to the magazine.

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Bunky and His Mother, the Neighbors Who Came to Call Once Too Often

In Pittsburgh, as throughout the nation, landholders and real estate speculators lost everything during the Depression. Consequently, bargains abounded for investors. A few miles south of Carrick, the new owner of a tract acquired through bankruptcy renamed it Baldwin Manor and parceled it into large lots. One provided the very setting Mother had always envisioned for her dream home.

Over several years, my parents purchased the lot, remitting a small portion of its cost each month. Even before road improvements, we often drove out to the lot so Mother could stand in the tall weeds, the breeze whipping her skirt, while she conjured up architectural designs suitable for the plot. Once it was theirs, free and clear, my parents hired a contractor.

The house he built for them was everything Mother desired. A red brick, center-hall colonial, it boasted a porch, a sun deck, two baths, an attic, and my favorite accessory, a clothes chute. Shortly after we moved in, Mother began catching up on her social obligations. A friendly soul, she adored entertaining...until Bunky entered the picture.

Bunky's father, a genial chap with a sonorous speaking voice, rebounded from a Depression-driven layoff from AT&T into a lucrative niche as a radio announcer. His mother, more exotic than homespun in mien, shared my father's fondness for detective stories and demonstrated her appreciation of his taste by borrowing his favorite volumes and forgetting to return them, despite repeated hints.

"I don't put much truck in her," Grandmother said, darkly. The tone of her voice suggested that her surveillance of Bunky's house from behind our living room curtains unleashed shocking details about the woman rumored to wear pants and smoke.

Soon after we moved away, former neighbors reported that Bunky ranged throughout the community terrorizing children, adults, and family pets alike. The child psychologists his parents retained excused his misdeeds by labeling him precocious.

Mother's diagnosis differed. He was, she declared, a brat.

With no advance warning, Bunky and his mother paid us a call, a civility held over from the Edwardian era. Bunky's mother wore a smart little sailor hat on her dusky curls and a beatific smile as she informed us that there was no need to entertain Bunky. He could make himself at home quite nicely. Surreptitiously, Mother signaled me to steer Bunky straight up to the attic playroom and detain him there at all costs.

My playroom was not richly paneled and carpeted. It was crammed with orange crates holding books, games, and a Lionel train set alongside dusty trunks piled with period clothes, World War I souvenirs, and costumes. The ceiling was decorated from gable to gable with silver stuffing reading lengthwise and crosswise: Johns Manville Johns Manville Johns Manville.

I ushered Bunky up the steep staircase, dogged by a premonition of disaster that commenced the moment his savage little eyes beheld my treasured toys. Princess Elizabeth never had a chance. Her crown was quickly disassembled, her pasteboard suitcase flattened, and her satin gowns smeared by sticky fingers. Snow White, dashed unceremoniously onto the floor, parted company with the tip of her dainty china nose. Lilas May, an enormous rag doll, stewed in her stuffing, while the baby doll's eyes were punched to the back of her head, leaving empty, Orphan Annie-like ovals in their stead.

Bunky ignored my protestations. "You can't make me stop," he snarled. "I'm your guest."

Fearing the same fate as my dolls, I quaked in silence while Bunky continued his barrage with accelerated gusto.

Hundreds of puzzle pieces lay strewn across the floor before his practiced hand turned to the game boards, the books, and the dress-up outfits. My prized Lionel train, too, was fair game for his capabilities. Once the tracks were twisted to his satisfaction, he jumped repeatedly on a carton of fragile Christmas ornaments, chortling at the tinkling sound from within. By the time he desecrated my father's World War I army uniform, Bunky began to be bored. Leaving the scene of destruction in his wake, he delivered a mighty war whoop, then plummeted to the front hall astride the mahogany banister, gouging a memento of his passage along its polished surface. Helpless, I trailed at a safe distance.

Mother gasped as Bunky entered the living room, but her voice remained steady. "Why, here are the children. Surely you haven't played with all the toys in the attic."

"He's seen them all," I wailed.

The alarm in Mother's eyes acknowledged receipt of the message conveyed by my tear-streaked face. Still, her exquisite manners prevailed. One never chastised other people's children, especially when they had come to call.

"My gracious, it looks as if you two are having a grand time," said Bunky's mother. "We really should be going, but it would be cruel of me to drag Bunky away when he's having so much fun." Her incisors knifed into a pink mint.

Snatching a fistful of tea cakes, Bunky sprinted toward the back of the house. He flung open the basement door and stomped down the steps toward the player piano, the phonograph, and stacks of records dating back to Mother's childhood, some of them destined to become collectors' items.

Before I was halfway down the stairs, Bunky had begun tossing records onto the cement floor. Finding one to his liking, he popped it onto the phonograph turntable, then pressed his hand heavily upon the arm. With each revolution, the needle carved fresh grooves into the wax, distorting the sound.
Minutes later, heels clicked across the floor overhead. Surely help was near.

"What's the pretty music I hear?" Bunky's mother stood at the top of the cellar staircase, her hat cocked jauntily above her serene, beaming face.

"Old phonograph," Bunky muttered.

"Play the record again for mother," the lady coaxed.

"Can't! Dumb old thing broke."

"What a pity! Mother hates to pull you away, but she promises we'll come another day."

"Haven't played the piano yet." He turned toward it, new fire in his eyes.

Only his mother's promise of a chocolate sundae at Isaly's Dairy on the way home averted the piano's demise. His options duly considered, Bunky reversed his direction and the piano survived.

Stony-faced and numb, Mother and I watched them drive away. As we surveyed the destruction Bunky left behind, Mother vowed, "That woman will never enter my home again! Or her brat, either. Especially her brat!"

During the passage of several months, Mother discussed the fallacies of etiquette rules often and bitterly with everyone who would listen. What percentage was there in being a lady, she argued, if it meant watching your most treasured possessions destroyed before your eyes? Given another chance, she swore to follow her instincts.

Her opportunity presented itself sooner than she wished.

My imaginary friends and I were cutting out Gone With The Wind paper dolls when Mother's frantic hiss pierced our solitude. "Hide! Here come Bunky and his mother!"

Sure enough, their '39 DeSoto blocked our driveway. Its two occupants disembarked, their faces illuminated with joy, confirmation that their initial visit to our new home had proved so rewarding they felt obliged to re-indulge their pleasure.

As the feather on Bunky's mother's hat divined the path to our front door, Mother realized that feigning absence was our only salvation. Before Bunky's Olympian sprint up the front steps could corner us, she secured the lock, then dropped to her knees and crawled toward the kitchen. I followed, with no time to spare.

Ding-dong! Ding-dong! Ding-dong! Bunky hit the doorbell again and again, his beady eyes peering through the sidelights, nose pressed against the glass pane.

Unwilling to be defeated, his mother urged him to try again..

Ding-dong! Ding-dong!! Bunky forced the doorbell until it gagged.

Upon reaching the kitchen, Mother slid the backdoor bolt into place and removed her shoes, motioning me to do likewise. She opened the kitchen closet a crack, then shook her head in dismay; brooms, mops, and the usual cleaning implements consumed all available space in our most logical hiding place. Outside observers had an unrestricted view of the entire kitchen and its occupants, except for our dog who ordinarily slept under the stove, the only appliance not facing a picture window. Frantic, Mother dived under the stove, dragging me along.

Our gas stove had provided trouble-free service for more than a decade and was expected to serve us into my adulthood. Proudly emblazoned across its white porcelain surface was its point of origin: TOLEDO. Tall, white, and sturdy, it sat on bowed legs supported by pseudo-Chippendale feet with space enough between them to accommodate us snugly. Mother's nudge assured me that the tiny window opposite was so high above the ground Bunky never could reach it.

At length, the dings and the dongs subsided. Just as we became sufficiently emboldened to quit our secret spot, we heard voices and footsteps rounding the side of the house. Unable to rouse us from the front, they were about to try their luck at the rear.

Prolonged pressure on the back buzzer was followed by vigorous thumps of determined fists on the door. Someone jiggled the knob, but the bolt held. Mother and I stopped breathing as shadow heads interrupted the sunlight streaming across the kitchen floor. Mother tossed me a confident smile. They were bound to give up soon.

A long stretch of silence, then, "There they are! They're home! I see them!"

We blinked, and blinked again. Incredible, but true, Bunky's pugilistic little face glared down at us from the unreachable window.

Bunky's mother was puzzled by her son's pronouncement that we were under the stove. "Whatever are they doing there?"

"They're hiding!"

Our two pairs of eyes, unflinching, stared back at Bunky on his perch.

Bunky's mother's voice reverberated with anger. "How insulting! If they have no manners, we certainly won't waste time bothering with them any more."

Not until the DeSoto bit the driveway cinders in indignant flight did we dare to crawl from under the stove. Although our muscles were cramped from the confinement, our heartstrings plucked a major chord. By repelling the Bunky Invasion, we had added a vital qualification to the "in" quote of the Depression, "Come up and see me sometime - if you can behave yourself."

Months later, I overheard Mother and close friends giggling over an item in The Pittsburgh Press. Snatches of their conversation made no sense to me: "...caught with a young man...behind a flowering bush in the park...a long time behind bars."

Who, I wondered aloud, would spend time behind bars. The ladies blanched; they had not heard me enter.

Mother responded in the low, deliberate tone she used when taking me into strict confidence. "Bunky's mother."

"But why will she go to jail for picking flowers in the park?"

The ladies heaved a collective breath that erupted in several muted snorts.

"It's illegal to pick the kind of flowers she was after," one finally managed, while the others tittered behind their handkerchiefs.

Years passed before I fully understood Bunky's mother's sin.

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Top Tips For Keeping Kids Occupied This Summer Time

Summer months holidays could be a incredibly pricey time for parents what with outings and events. I am generally trying to come up with ideas and items for father and mother to accomplish with the youngsters that involve minimum expense, maximum enjoyment and importantly also generate a sense of rest and relaxation.

A Go to on the Library
Libraries are amazing places for the holidays - full of plenty of free books to study too as some excellent summer months actions - I bear in mind as a child enjoying a plethora of actions, including the talent competition. Even if there isn't a talent contest as part of your local library, I'm sure there will probably be some craft actions and possibly the odd entertainer!

Assemble a Fairy Garden
I have the fortune of living within the aptly named 'Fairytale Cottage'. This summer season I've taken time out to develop a great fairy globe just outside the back again door. Youngsters and their friends will love building their own fairy/pixie garden. Permit them be imaginative with branches and stones, to create houses for their little good friends. Children will have enjoyable generating fairy doors, pathways, fairy rings and mini ponds. In case you find some inexpensive miniature fairy models and tiny dolls house furniture, this will all add on the magic. Do not forget a liberal sprinkling of glitter.

This activity are going to be mostly enjoyed by the under 6's. Boys nonetheless, will possibly choose to construct a dinosaur den with volcanoes or a bug and insect garden. Planting and maintaining a miniature garden teaches children about plants, caring for living factors, and most the many fun of gardening.

Drinking water Games
When it gets too hot and youngsters ought to cool down, why not attempt out this fantastic cooling game? Fill your paddling pool with water or if h2o is very scarce as part of your area, a bucket will do. Put some ice cubes in and get the youngsters to pick them up with their toes. This is a lot of fun and incredibly refreshing and you really don't need to worry about wasting the h2o, as it is usually used for watering the flowers afterwards. When you don't have h2o pistols, you are able to fill squeezy bottles with drinking water for plenty of wet enjoyment. Note: this is not the most quiet and soothing of exercises!

Cool Drinks and Treats
When you live near the countryside, kids would love an afternoon strawberry picking. Here can be a easy recipe for a berry milkshake that the youngsters will really enjoy to help out with. Fill the blender with two cups of ice cubes, two cups of milk, 2 cups of berries, a spoon or two of honey and a dash of vanilla extract. Blend until smooth. Delicious and really cooling!

If you are seeking an alternative to sugar-filled lollies, you could attempt merely freezing strawberries, grapes and bananas (cut the bananas into pieces 1st).

Scrap Book
Children of all ages normally really like producing points. You may well like to encourage them to produce a summer season scrap book/diary, wherever they can write and draw about the summer holidays. The scrap books could possibly be an on-going project and be pulled out every number of days to add new entries and stick in summer time memorabilia.

Loosen up Children Magic Corner
If your young people have a number of spare moments and would like to perform something relaxing, they're constantly welcome to pay a visit to the Little ones Magic Corner in which you'll find games, colouring sheets and even a fairy godmother difficulty page!

Unwind Little ones Meditation
What better method to end a busy day than a mediation, which dad and mom can go through to their young children:

Comforting for the Beach...
Close your eyes, be extremely nevertheless and imagine you might be lying down around the beach. Think the warm sand underneath your system. You can hear the waves with the sea. Now incredibly gently that you are going to relax each part of the system. Begin with your feet, allow your toes totally loosen up and turn into soft. Permit this feeling spread gently by way of your feet. Now squeeze your legs and gently enable them go. Sense the many tension as part of your legs getting released as they grow to be relaxed and soft. Squeeze the muscles in your tummy and let go completely. Stretch your back again as long as you are able to and loosen up. Can you sense your back sinking in to the sand? Now permit your shoulders and neck become soft, as the many tension melts away. Squeeze your arms as tight as it is possible to and allow them go. Allow your arms to experience heavy as they sink into the sand.

Squeeze your fingers into a tight fist, and now uncurl them slowly and rest them about the golden sand. Scrunch your face into a tiny ball and allow go and unwind. Enable your head completely take it easy: unwind your eyes, your ears, your cheeks, your forehead. Come to be absolutely even now and relaxed. Feel the warm sun on your face and physique as you sink further to the powdery sand. Stay there for a few more moments, enjoying the feeling of getting entirely relaxed. Say to yourself - I'm peaceful, I am peaceful, I'm peaceful, I am relaxed, I'm calm, I am quiet.

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